01-04-03: Moving. It's something I've had to do quite a bit lately. Not that I enjoy it or that I have better things to do. Moving hurts. Seriously. Especially when people pack without thinking or over pack stuff. I'm a fan of the idea, "If you can't lift a box you packed, re-pack and try again." All the boxes I packed full of my stuff were light enough for me to lift without killing my back. All the boxes, with my name or otherwise, that I didn't pack made me understand the idea of packing light. o.@  Books are heavy. People, let me state this again so you understand it better. Books Are Heavy. There is no need to take a library's worth of books and pack them in one box. Video games and comics will get heavy, so pack them in many small boxes as opposed to one or two large boxes. I personally made sure that this was so. I remember lugging one massive box full of Atari games, controllers, and systems. It was not fun and my back hurt the next morning. People learn these lessons from here and not experience. Unless you want to go through a few packages of Tylenol. Then try it for yourself! You'll have the time of your life!  One last big idea when it comes to moving. Make sure you have room for all your stuff. My family had a lot of boxes, we packed a whole house-worth of stuff and placed it in storage. The new place we're at has plenty of storage space so putting things away from the old place was easier than expected. There is one slight difficulty, we still don't know where we'll set up and place stuff in their respective rooms. This is a big problem. Videos, pictures, random items all packed and not a single thing in the right place. Remember, take what you think you'll need and pack light. And, make sure things are Clearly marked, not just "Stuff from here." Do those three things and all will be well.  Of course, that's just what I think.